Dell OEM Inspiron 11 (3168 / 3169) 11.6" Touchscreen LCD Video Ribbon Cable - 0T3DW w/ 1 Year Warranty
Used: Very Good - Genuine Dell OEM LCD 11.6" Video Ribbon Cable, for the Dell Inspiron 3168 and 3169 laptops. The 3168 and 3169 laptops were shipped with different LCD screen and cable configurations, it is important that your replace your LCD cable with the same part number as your original. Match your part number or contact us if you're not sure which cable to select.
Compatible Dell Laptops/Notebooks:
Inspiron 11 (3168)
Inspiron 11 (3169)
Dell P/N: 0T3DW, 00T3DW
alt P/N's:
Drax11 bsw EDP CABLE
NOTE: This cable includes the Hall sensor cable pigtail.
The 3168 and 3169 laptops were shipped with different LCD screen and cable configurations, it is important that your replace your LCD cable with the same part number as your original. Match your part number or contact us if you're not sure which cable to select.